Falling prey to you

I,the hope. You.the despair
I,the faith.You,the fear
I.the gratitude. You.the thankless.
I,your positive.You.my negative.
Unintentionally and uncontrollably,
i am falling prey to you.

I thought i had command over myself,
but your energy is tearing the strength away.
I believed i was unbreakable but you are testing 
me beyond i can sustain.
You,anxiety  follow me no more, 
my mind looses every time more than before.
Every minute that the clock ticks,i fall prey to you.

They judge,you merry
They lie.you acknowledge
Because every time it happens, i cry a little
I,the failure.You,the winner
The more it happens,the more you grow on me
I don't want to ,but i am falling prey to you.



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