Life of a short-tempered

Ha! I have been wanting to write it for so long,every time i have lost that temper of mine which by all definitions has a very short tolerance. Trust me it has happened more than often. The funny or rather amusing thing about your whole life tagged as a short-tempered individual is that you fail to realize or comprehend whether you are a victim or the culprit. There's one  side of the story depicting you as a cruel,heartless,self-centered loser while the other side treats you as a sick who needs help.
The world is divided here. Immensely.

We tend to  loose that patience on  everything that is not done our way. Being impatient is second nature to us. The composure loses before the results even arrive. That by all means makes me a villain but having a reality check on yourself is always fruitful.

To make things even worse, you feel guilty every time you lose that temper of yours. The voices in the head pinch the hell out of you every now and then making you feel burdened of a crime so big, bigger than your self-respect. You think, over think and give up, followed by "sorries" and promises of "won't do it again". And you do it again! That's your life story!

An observation that i have made on myself and i am pretty sure that i speak for all my kinds is that if  it takes 10 seconds to get furious, it definitely takes the same amount of time to cool down if not more. No, its not something to be proud of . I know  you were thinking that finally comes a good perspective. Yes it is but not fully.

The good part being,you realize your mistake before you throw  that flower vase on the floor or push your little brother out of the way (still making sure he falls on the sofa and escapes the floor because despite everything, you are good at heart).
The bad side, you are never able to defend your anger because you calm down way too quickly. Sometimes you even forget what the actual reason of the tantrum was at the first place. This is when people point fingers at you. They declare you "unwell" and suggestions of how your condition should be dealt with start to flow from every nook and corner. Your business becomes everybody's business because "they care".

I have even heard some people blaming their respective parents for losing that poise (irrespective of the fact that they never had one). "We carry it in our genes", they would say. Well scientifically there is nothing wrong with this. You inherit nature. However to inherit and not doing anything about it, definitely makes you a moron.

I have tried exercise and trust me you, it is effective but there's a lot more. The best being, a conscious approach of dealing with it. You know when the volcano is ready to erupt. You are always aware. There and then, shut up. Keep it quite. Your opinion  will make sense when you say it with a relaxed  mind. A violent stance is always left unheard. It will be hard because you are so used to bashing at others but you will eventually start looking good. Looking good is important and  sounding good is even more.

The key to success here is embracing your flaw and do anything to make it your strength.  Be your own therapist. That's how to roll.


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